As always, thanks again to Courtney: The Polish nominee for this year’s Academy Awards is a poignant, emotional drama that follows Daniel, a young man who finds his spiritual self in Christianity while in a juvenile detention centre. The opening scene briefly shows his personality however, as he keeps watch when a guard leaves the room…

  • THE GENTLEMEN [2019]

    As always, thanks again to Courtney:   Guy Ritchie’s The Gentlemen signifies a return to the crime-laden and humourous style that originally established his career. Save for Matthew McConaughey’s criminal protagonist ‘Mickey’, who hails from the US in a very odd and out of place casting choice, this film is definitively British in every way.…


    The extensive use of psychedelics against Christian’s will is hard to ignore; it is clear that after Dani is crowned, Christian has no idea what is happening, amplified by the man next to him blowing yet more foreign but obviously psychedelic dust from the palm of his hand into Christian’s face, a bit of a…


    So, it seems apparent then that one of the Hårga’s traditions once they reach the age of 72, the end the final ‘cycle’, they jump off a cliff, not before being carried like a king to the cliff beforehand. I’m sure this latter part makes some sort of sense, respecting one’s elders and whatnot, but…


    Over a decade ago as an unemployed, young 20-something man-child, I sat on my backside every day, all day, watching movies, often inebriated. Perhaps unsurprisingly then, I don’t remember much from those days. Though funnily enough, I remember Memento vividly despite having major memory issues myself. I also recall that someone online, or someone in…


    The genre staple of establishing drug connections, drug deals going sideways and often ending ending in violence with money owed to the wrong people, has been well explored and is an arguably worn out formula. Birds of Passage is a vast re-imagining that spins this construct into a very different experience, offering a contrasting, unique…


WP card front horizontalDirected by Crystal Moselle

Starring Bhagavan Angulo, Govinda Angulo, Jagadisa Angulo, Krsna Angulo, Mukunda Angulo, Narayana Angulo,

One of the most moving documentaries I have ever witnessed, The Wolfpack follows a group of young people who have lived a sheltered life – to put it lightly. Rarely let outside of their house, situated in New York City, the world of film became a new realm for them to disappear into as they didn’t know the world outside. Their enthusiasm for film is infectious despite the conditions that caused them become so interested in the medium.


It is at times heartwarming to hear the very candid interviews given by the children, but the story is ultimately heartbreaking as we hear how little they have been able to explore the outside world. We also hear a lot from the mother, but not much from the father, who seems to have their mother under his thumb while at the same time having made the decision to lock his kids inside their house, with rare chances to explore the outside world. Hearing one of his children describe their father as a warden and their house as a prison is hard to watch, but one can’t help but admire these kids as they re-enact scenes from their favourite movies and in general have a positive attitude towards life. Despite the dark situation, they for the most part have smiles on their faces. Having been home-schooled, they don’t have any friends, and only have each other


During the documentary at one point we see them go outside as a group for the first time, and we feel their excitement. We feel their joy as they see a film in a cinema for the first time in their lives, and after so much time admiring film from inside their house, one can only guess the feelings they must have experienced after seeing the movie. At another point in their first trip outside together, after picking an apple from a tree, one of them comments that it is the best apple he has ever tasted.

I’m lost for words, I can’t think of much more to write about this incredible film. All I can say is that this is a documentary like no other, and could move the most emotionally stunted person. The dark ambient/post-rock/chamber-rock soundtrack is very apt as we learn more about their lives growing up, and see the hatred one of them begins to feel towards their father for locking them up like he did.


Go stream this now, you will not regret it. It is a short film that clocks in at around 90 minutes, but it barely feels an hour long as the subject matter is so visceral and emotional. This is a documentary that every person needs to see.